Incorporate to your practice the human system, the five bodies.
Remember there is much more than the physical experience in Yoga practice
" Begin your day with a Positive Thinking "
Your body an unique anatomy that responds to unique alignment , honour your body and embrace your possibilities .
What style of yoga should I follow
May be you should ask your self, what do you want from Yoga.
We have a variety of yoga stiles , a good option is to explore few of them and see how your body respond to it, my personal experience I believe in diversity but in the same time complementing one to the other.
Monday 19:00 Pilates Compass
Mound 20:15 Yoga Flow Compass
Tuesday 09:15 Yoga Flow Special sports
Wednesday 10:30 Pilates Basic Fit Amstelveen
Wednesday 19:00 Pilates Basic Fit Amstelveen
Wednesday 20:00 Yoga Flow Basic Fit Amstelveen
Thursday 09:15 Vinyasa Zest
Friday 09:15 Pilates Special sports
Friday 09:15 Yin Special sports
Saturday 10:45 Yin Basic Fit Amstelveen
Saturday 11:45 Pilates Basic Fit Amstelveen
Sunday 10:15 Hatha Zest
Sunday 11:30 Yin Zest
Sunday 13:00 Yang Yin SportCity
Sunday 14:00 Pilates SportCity